Friday, January 13, 2012

Re-Posting: The Trouble With Blogging

I don't usually re-post things other bloggers write... but I saw this on FB this morning and it's truly exactly what is in my heart. Go check out this post by Amy of "Blogging with Amy" and see why this touched my heart this morning.

I have big dreams for my blog, but at the same time, I haven't been able to fulfill them because it just has had to take a backseat while real life, my family, and myself take priority. I have to figure out how to balance my roles as mother, wife, student etc. before I can officially add blogger to the mix.  In the meantime, I think this blog still does have a purpose. I can't quite define what that purpose is... but maybe, I don't really need to. Maybe I just need to keep blogging and working towards my big goals for this blog...  if it's meant to be it will fall into place. God always has a way of making that happen, and it's not so silly to trust Him to handle even the smallest things -- like my blog!

Now I'm off to be a mommy and get my little Monkey girl down for her nap!